okay, let me rephrase that

Of all the relationships you’ve had in your life, perhaps the most complicated is the one you’ve had with your body.
You’ve overanalyzed it, disliked it, been embarrassed by it, and wished it could be different. You’ve tried to deprive it, fix it, change it, and hide it altogether. 
You’ve been at war with your body far more often than you’ve ever been at peace…and there have been plenty of times you’ve just completely given up on your health.

You often wonder what’s wrong with you and why your willpower keeps letting you down. You believe if you could just be strong and disciplined enough, you could be more consistent with your health goals.

You are SO SICK of hating your body…and you’re SO TIRED of overeating and feeling out of control around food.
But you’re worried that if you stop dieting you’ll just “let yourself go” and keep gaining weight forever.

keep reading

Question for you...


That small, sustainable HABITS beat restrictive diets every time — and lead to much better health.

PUT THE FIGHT DOWN and instead embraced three simple yet TRANSFORMATIVE ideas:

That your body is amazing, and deserves love and respect.

That focusing on your health is far more important than your weight.

What if you decided to

Yes, I’m in

What if instead of focusing on everything that’s "wrong" with your body, you began to give it credit — and praise — for all that it helps you do and experience in life?

As women, we’ve been trained and brainwashed to base our worth on our weight. Yet what makes the most impact on our health isn’t our weight — it’s our lifestyle and mindset.

Letting GO of food rules and instead incorporating small, sustainable, and ENJOYABLE habits into your daily life is always the best way to go.

You’ll feel confident in your own skin and stop allowing your mind to bully your body.

Finally making yourself a priority & being consistent with your health goals.

You’ll feel great, have so much more energy, and stop dragging through each day.

You’ll develop a healthy relationship with food, stop overeating, and quit using sugar as a coping mechanism.

Can you imagine...

 I want this

You’ll decrease the risk of health-related diseases and be at peace with the lifestyle you've created.

Ready to finally make yourself a priority and start respecting your body to greater levels of health? I can show you how!

Food & Body Confidence is a
9-week program that will help you develop a loving relationship with your body, stop the cycle of dieting once and for all, and incorporate small, sustainable habits into your daily life that you will actually WANT to do!

Food & Body Confidence


what they are saying...

find out

Jenna helped me examine my current habits and turn my health around. I’m on a much better path to where I want to end up with my health in a year or even a decade from now.

It has been a huge blessing to stop worrying so much about the scale and just focus on improving my habits.

I’ve tried and failed at making changes to my health before, but what Jenna teaches really works! I’m amazed at how many more healthy habits I’ve added into my life with the simple tools and steps she shares.

Anne C.

Tina K.

Alison S.

Food & Body Confidence is amazing. I’ve even had some of my kids sit down and listen to Jenna’s lessons because they’re so powerful.

I’m confident I’m on a much healthier path after going through Food & Body Confidence. Thank you, Jenna!

Jenna is just what I needed. She’s given me a treasure trove of ideas to improve my health and quality of life.

Joanna S.

Joy W.

Debbie R.

what they are saying...

find out

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod ipsum tempor incididunt ut labore et adipiscing.

I’ve tried and failed at making changes to my health before, but what Jenna teaches really works! I’m amazed at how many more healthy habits I’ve added into my life with the simple tools and steps she shares

Anne C.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod ipsum tempor incididunt ut labore et adipiscing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod ipsum tempor incididunt ut labore et adipiscing.

It has been a huge blessing to stop worrying so much about the scale and just focus on improving my habits.

Tina K.

Jenna helped me examine my current habit and turn my health around. I’m on a much better path to where I want to end up with my health in a year or even a decade from now.

Alison S.

Jenna is just what I needed. She’s given me a treasure trove of ideas to improve my health and quality of life.

Joanna S.

I’m confident I’m on a much healthier path after going through Health Through Habits. Thank you, Jenna!

Joy W.

Health Through Habits is amazing. I’ve even had some of my kids sit down and listen to Jenna’s lessons because they’re so powerful.

Debbie R.

Here’s how it all breaks down...

This is what you get inside of
Food & Body Confidence

I want this

Spot cognitive distortions that keep you stuck

A Healthy Focus
& mindset

Kick off the course by finding your healthy focus and pinpointing what true health looks like for you. By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

Pinpoint your personal motivators for getting healthy

Reframe thoughts to better serve your health goals

Strategies for creating a daily affirmations habit to start retraining your brain

Behavior Change Tools
 & Habit Hacks

My habit-making and habit-breaking toolboxes

Learn how to create habits and routines that finally stick! These effective techniques will be used all throughout the course. In this module you'll be given:

A method for finding your "Golden Behaviors"







Gain awareness over your eating habits and discover what might be causing you to overeat


Learn to trust your body and connect with your hunger and fullness cues

Get off the dieting roller coaster once and for all and heal your relationship with food. This module will help you:

Discover how to eat more mindfully and feel truly satisfied by your food

Enjoyable movement



Get tons of recipes & ideas for nourishing, quick, and tasty breakfasts, lunches, and snacks

so, What should I eat?

Learn how to have healthy blood sugar shifts to avoid energy crashes and mood swings

Find the sweet spot between using "inner wisdom," "outer wisdom," flexibility, and balance with eating





Identify a variety of regulation techniques to use when faced with difficult emotions

Emotional Eating

Create an effective game plan for the next time you're tempted to use food as a coping mechanism

Discover how to become an “emotion scientist” and navigate uncomfortable feelings without using food. By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

Follow the "RULER" method for navigating feelings



Learn how to reduce and respond to cravings in a healthy and effective way

Sugar & "Fun Foods"

Gain awareness around your fun food intake and learn how to find a healthy balance

Find the happy balance between enjoying fun foods while still honoring your health. This module will help you:

Let go of the guilt and fear while eating "fun foods"

Create a movement plan that fits your individual lifestyle and learn how to be more consistent

Discover enjoyable ways to get your heart rate up and strengthen your muscles

Reframe exercise as a fun way to increase energy, flexibility, strength, and stamina, instead of a chore or just a way to “burn calories.” Get ready to:

Find ways to get more low-intensity movement through-out each day



staying "on track"

Utilize the power of creating a healthy support system

Learn how to be adaptable, flexible, and resilient through the ups and downs of your health journey. You'll be able to continue your healthy lifestyle and:

Increase your inner strength and become your own biggest cheerleader





Tools for practicing "gentle nutrition"

Learn the 4 main factors in cooking that make healthy food taste amazing

Once you feel you have a healthy relationship with food and your body, you're ready to practice "gentle nutrition" and focus on adding more health-promoting foods into your diet.

Get plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals into your diet by eating more produce, whole grains, beans, and nuts

Explore how to choose foods you enjoy that also fuel your body and keep your energy up all day long. In this module, you will:

Learn how to show more love & respect to your body

Learn tips and tricks for faster, easier cooking

Discover how to grow and multiply the habits you've created during this program

Discover my favorite ways to cook vegetables and other healthful foods, so they taste delicious every time

Discover what's been holding you back from making peace with your here-and-now body. Your body image will syrocket as you:

Cultivate body image resilience and learn how to combat a bad body image day

Stop beating yourself up over how your body looks and start focusing on all your body does

Body Image makeover

I'll be right by your side during this 9-week program! We'll have weekly calls where you'll recieve help, support, encouragement, advice, and accountability. You'll also get lifetime access to my Health Through Habits course which includes the following modules:

Food & Body Confidence different?

what makes

A new mindset about what is beautiful and what is healthy

Feeling in control while eating

A deep sense of respect for your body

A healthy relationship with food

Increased energy and vitality to live your best life

An awareness about what your body needs and how to treat it well

This program uses a unique combination of behavior design strategies, intuitive eating principles, and mindset techniques.

 You’ll see critical benefits that will motivate you to keep going, including:

I'm in for this

Improved health and lower risk of many diseases

Peace from knowing that you’re honoring your body and your health

Ready to increase your energy while enjoying food freedom and body peace?

your experience starts immediately once you click the button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. 

Health Through Habits
Self-paced Online Course

Great value!

Food & Body Confidence
9-Week Program
(Currently UnAvailable)

9 jam-packed modules, with over 35 engaging video lessons

A beautiful workbook full of tools, recipes, cheat sheets, and more!


Or 3 monthly payments of $305

Full access to the health through habits Online course

Here’s what you get:

Weekly one-on-one calls with jenna for help, support, accountability, etc.
(Stay Tuned for the Next Session)

Stay Tuned for the Next Sesson

plus these amazing bonuses:

Bonus Module for practicing Gentle nutrition

1 buddy pass to share the course with Anyone you'd like 

lifetime access to the course along with any future updates

Normally $900

plus these amazing bonuses:

Bonus Module for practicing Gentle nutrition

1 buddy pass to share the course with Anyone you'd like 

lifetime access to the course along with any future updates

Normally $1,500

9 jam-packed modules, delivered weekly

Over 35 engaging video lessons

A beautiful workbook full of tools, recipes, cheat sheets, assessments, and more!

Here’s what you get:


Or 3 monthly payments of $205

step-by-step method for creating a healthy, Peaceful, sustainable lifestyle

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I Want This

Food & Body Confidence is already PACKED with value, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUSES…

Join now so you don’t miss this

Grab a friend or family member to join in on your health journey! Success rates rise dramatically with a partner to provide support, encouragement, and accountability.

Bonus #1:
one free buddy pass

I definitely want this!

This bonus module will walk you through easy meal planning and food prep tools. You'll also be given tons of simple and delicious ways to get more healthful foods into your diet.

Bonus #2:
Tools for Gentle Nutrition

Adding healthy habits to your life doesn't have to end when the program does! Revisit lessons whenever you'd like, and enjoy any future updates to the course, free of charge.

Bonus #3:
lifetime access to the course

I suspect you and I are a lot alike. I used to be uncomfortable in my own skin and tried to hate my body to better health. I was also overwhelmed with all I knew I could be doing to be healthier, but struggled to be consistent with things like exercising, limiting sugar, and getting enough sleep. But I didn't think that change was possible for me.

However, once I developed a system for creating healthy, sustainable habits that actually STUCK, and that I LOOKED FORWARD to doing…everything changed.

to change?

“One day or day one. You decide”
-Paulo Coelho

wanna know more?

Do you doubt youR ability...

"We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” -John Dryden

i have answers!

you have questions...

Q. When will I have access to the material?

Q. When will I have access to the material?

You’ll have immediate access to the Intro Module as soon as you join the program, and you can dive right in. The remaining modules will be released each week. You will have forever access to the course materials.

Q. How much time will this Program take?

Q. How much time will this course take?

This course is designed to fit even the busiest of lifestyles, and everyone will go at their own pace. However, for optimal results, plan on setting aside 2-3 hours per week to go through the material and 30 minutes for weekly check-in calls.

Q. How long does the program last?

Q. How long does the program last?

Food & Body Confidence is 9 weeks long, but you’ll have access to the course material for life.

Q. Will I lose weight following this program?

Q. Will I lose weight following this program?

Food & Body Confidence is not focused on weight loss, though some people do find their body changes as they develop and continue practicing healthy habits. For some that means weight loss, others find they're already at a healthy weight, and some may even need to gain weight for optimal health.

Q. Can I join this program if I have an eating disorder?

Q. Can I take this course if I have an eating disorder?

This program is a safe place for anyone recovering from an eating disorder (due to the non-diet, weight-neutral focus). However, Food & Body Confidence is not specifically designed for treating eating disorders, so you'll need to get more personalized care from a dietitian and/or therapist before joining.


Q. How can I get in touch with someone for more info?


You can contact our team at support@jennawaite.com with any further questions.

Don’t worry,
We can still be friends!

If you decide that Food & Body Confidence isn’t the program for you, no hard feelings! Please just promise me you’ll get help SOMEWHERE. I care about your health, and the longer you keep fighting against your body, the greater you run the risk of:

still not sure?

I’m Ready For a Change

Damaging your body’s metabolism

Experiencing intense cravings and feeling out of control around food

Solidifying bad habits, making them harder to change in the future

Increasing the risk of a number of health-related diseases

Developing disordered eating patterns (or even a full- blown eating disorder)

Ready to increase your energy while enjoying food freedom and body peace?

your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. 

I definitely want this!

Health Through Habits
Self-paced Online Course

Food & Body Confidence
9-Week Program
(Currently Unavailable)

9 jam-packed modules, with over 35 engaging video lessons

A beautiful workbook full of tools, recipes, cheat sheets, and more!


Or 3 monthly payments of $305

Full access to the health through habits Online course

Here’s what you get:

Weekly one-on-one calls with jenna for help, support, accountability, etc.
(Stay Tuned for The nExt Session)

Stay Tuned for the Next Session

plus these amazing bonuses:

Bonus Module for practicing Gentle nutrition

1 buddy pass to share the course with Anyone you'd like 

lifetime access to the course along with any future updates

Normally $900

Great value!

plus these amazing bonuses:

Bonus Module for practicing Gentle nutrition

I Want THis

1 buddy pass to share the course with Anyone you'd like 

lifetime access to the course along with any future updates

Normally $1,500

9 jam-packed modules, delivered weekly

Over 35 engaging video lessons

A beautiful workbook full of tools, recipes, cheat sheets, assessments, and more!

Here’s what you get:


Or 3 monthly payments of $205

step-by-step method for creating a healthy, Peaceful, sustainable lifestyle

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see you inside!

i cannot wait to